The food


If you want a dog in full health and overflowing of vitality, know how to give him a food of quality adapted to his needs. Your dog will live better and longer. 

Your new mate will eat at the age of 2 months until 4 meals per day. Whatever is the race, the croquette is the food appropriated to the dog. Perfectly balanced, she will help your dog to grow well and to remain in good health all along his life.

As your puppy will grow, his needs will change and his daily ration will have need to be modified ; if your puppy is too skinny, increase his ration progressively, if he is too big, to decrease this one (a too big dog during his growth risks to have the paws distorted to the adult age). Avoid on-dosage, even though your dog asks you for the food ; you will avoid diabetes, renal insufficiency, cardiac overworking, osteoarthritis,… 

Toward the age of 4 months, you will be able to pass to 3 meals per day, then to 2 meals per day toward age to 6 months (morning and evening). Toward one year, you will be able to pass to the adult croquette, always in 2 meals. He is counseled to keep 2 meals per day, so you will avoid the distortions of stomach after eating (following a too important food absorption when there is only one meal per day) if the dog immediately plays, what we advise against you (extremely rare case among the small races).

We counsel you to give him the croquettes that are very well balanced only and avoid the deficiencies, besides they exercise an effect of abrasion on the teeth permitting a brushing of these (don't disregard for as much the teeth of your dog and verify the often).

It is useless to add whatever it is in the kit of your dog, because know that the excesses can provoke problems as serious as the deficiencies, as the ostéofibrose (excess of D vitamin and deficiency in calcium), the hypertrophic ostéodystrophie (excess of D vitamins and calcium), rickets (deficiency in D vitamins and in calcium). These can entail bony anomalies responsible for very painful lameness with deformed and swollen paws to the level of the joints that will handicap the dog to life.

We also counsel you not to give any " human " food to your dog (as sugar or remain plate), even though him like it ; you would risk to make he obese, possibly to aggravate a diabetes (that can return the blind animal) and also to decrease his time of life, to provoke deposits of tartar on the teeth with the complications that it implies. 

Foods poisons: 

The human food is not absolutely adapted to your dog. Some food is very toxic, to see mortal for him ; here is some of it: 

-     the human chocolate contains the théobromine (alkaloid contained in the bean of cocoa and in the leaves of tea tree), in bigger quantity in the black chocolate, that the organism of the dog doesn't know how to assimilate; he can provoke vomitings, strong production of urine, tetanic crises, cardiac unrests and finally comas sometimes deadly,

-     the grape under all his shapes (expenses, dry, seeds) is extremely dangerous. The symptoms start then with vomitings, diarrheas, indolence, lack of appetite, stomach ache during several weeks in the best of the cases, with problem of hypercalcemia, provoke some problems to the level of the kidneys. The functions renal are decreased strongly until more to function; the animal can die in some days, not can urinate anymore. 

-     the raw onion, cooks dehydrated either is a poison for him, because he kills the red globules to the risk to generate an anemia can be they fatal (the rests of table cooked with are therefore to proscribe), 

-    sugar, dangerous especially for diabetic dogs. To avoid anyway.

The sweet: 

If you want to give him a sweet, some much especially exists conceived for him, but don't forget to decrease his daily ration if the sweet is " imposae ", in order to not to add this " dish " to the number of calories daily. Avoid to give some bones to your dog, even though they limit the deposit of tartar on the teeth, some are more dangerous than of others and they can also provoke constipation or intestinal closure. The ideal would be to give him some gills to chew in skin of buffalo or sweet said " pronged brushes " that will give him pleasure while appeasing its need to gnaw and that will maintain his teeth at the same time without risk for its health; some are same enriched in vitamins, whereas the bones don't bring calcium, nor phosphor contrary to what one could believe.

Finally, always let water at the disposal of your dog, because he has need to drink often. Don't forget either that the food of your dog must always be adapted according to its age, its weight and its activity.

We wish you good and happy years with your mate who will know how to return you all attentions that you will bring him all along his life.

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